Yesterday our monitor died. At least, it may be dead. It won't turn on, anyway. It's four years old, which is old, in computer terms, but not old enough for a DNR order, so we'll get it looked at.
In the mean time we are stuck with a flickering 15" monitor on 600x800 res (the only other option being 1024x768 which flickers so much as to be completely unbearable) and no option to change the refresh rate. This is particularly sad as I started work on a new story yesterday (having finished a complete draft of my story for uni, I've decided it sux and started something completely different), and that's what I really want to be working on now, while I have a little break. But flickering monitors are concentration killers, and besides, I am forced to blog about the monitor, and therefore can't be writing...
Did you get that I completely finished a draft of my story? And I have a complete draft of my other uni assignment too. And mat leave isn't for five more weeks. That's pretty good, hey? Too bad I've decided I have to write something else completely different now...