An old friend has just started a new blog called Conflicting Kates. She's a mother of two young children, just quit her (challenging, interesting) job and is about to move back to Oz. The blog's about her conflicting selves - career vs super-mum vs why can't we be both?
I seriously contemplated quitting my job last year, instead of returning to work at the end of mat leave. I started to blog about it, but I don't think I ever did. But it brought up a whole load of questions for me, from "Do I really want to lose my fantastic job security (right when the world might be about to implode, economically as well as environmentally)" to "Can I really stand the thought of my family having the stereotypical father=earns-the-bread, mother=washes-the-diapers breakdown of roles?"
There was more to it than that, and in the end I didn't quit, and have been fantastically lucky to be able to go back one day a week for the moment, but it's not that I don't have the conversations in my head.
Anyway, Kate's only got a couple of posts up there so far, but they are thought provoking, and if you get in now, you won't have too much catching up to do. :) So what are you waiting for, go read it!