The bad news is that as of this morning I seem to be having a miscarriage. I was five weeks today and starting to feel pretty good about it all, but apparently that wasn't warranted.
I say 'seem' and 'apparently' only because it's not absolutely 100% clear yet. But it's probably about 99.8%, so I'm not kidding myself. I"m bleeding, it's just no where near as heavy as it would be for a normal period at this point. But I think I remember it being like that last time too. And it's not just spotting either.
I've been over analysing my feelings to death, as I am want to do. I'm upset, of course. But not exactly shocked. I knew things weren't looking quite as they should. I'm sure there should be plenty of hormone there by day 32 to make a nice strong second line. When my sister first conceived Samantha there was a similar absence of sufficient hormone, and in fact the first blood test my sister had showed the hormone levels being a little below normal for that far along - and the doctor assumed she was going to have a miscarriage. The second one showed that the levels had come up, and they continued to do so and did get into the normal range, but as we later found out, everything was not right with Samantha.
So I knew, maybe this pregnancy was not going to work out. But I got my hopes up anyway, as you do.
So how am I feeling now? I'm sad, about this pregnancy not working. I'm also upset about what it likely means, which is no baby for quite some time. The last miscarriage was followed by three or four months of wacky cycles. Normally taking my temperature in the mornings gives a clear idea of when I ovulate. There would be a clear spike in the middle of the month, and it would then stay elevated until the day of or the day before my period. For the few months following the miscarriage there was not any clear spike, or even any clear pattern. I couldn't make sense of it at all, but I assumed it probably means I didn't ovulate those cycles, and that in fact my hormones didn't sort themselves out properly until the end of that time. Which seems odd, for such an early miscarriage, but I think maybe my hormonal system is simply not all it could be. I've had other problems before.
So I'm thinking, not only has this baby not made it, but there probably won't be a pregnancy this year at all. I'd gotten quite attached to the idea of having a baby only maybe eight months younger than my sister's. And my best friend is hoping to get pregnant soon-ish (though there are some complications there), and another best friend is pregnant already. Both of them had their first babies close to mine, and the former had her second baby only 7 weeks before Mikaela. So it seemed fated, almost...
Last time I had a miscarriage it took a year to get pregnant again afterwards.
I'm beset by all these comflicting thoughts though. Last time I was crying and in shock on the day I started miscarrying. I'm not saying there've been no tears today, but I feel a lot more - well, okay, I guess. Last time I made Chris stay home from the workshop he was meant to be going to. Today I went to work myself. (I'm supposed to be out at lunch with friends now, while my Mum has the kids, but I couldn't face that, so I just came home.)
That was a little surreal. I was sitting there working, talking, saying 'fine thanks' every time someone asked how I was, all the time wondering whether the bleeding's sped up yet. Whether I should go change the pad.* I remember someone else telling me she went to work while she was miscarrying, and me saying - or at least thinking - she was crazy. But what else was there to do? There's nothing physically wrong with me. And it wasn't the shock it would have been if I'd really thought everything was fine.
Back to the conflicting thoughts. I feel sort of okay, but then - not so much. I have all these thoughts about how I should feel, how I'm entitled to feel, and how I'm not entitled to feel. I have an appointment to see my GP next week (which was meant to be to get a blood test organised to see if the hormones were as they should be), so I imagine having to tell him and then I imagine sympathy and then I start to cry. That's what happens if I imagine telling anyone actually, or anyone who I think would be all sympathetic about it.
But really, I don't feel the need to cry most of the time.
And then I imagine other people, who might think I was overdoing it. Who might say (or think) - well, it's only five weeks, and you knew this might be on the cards. And then I feel cross and defensive about the fact that I am upset, that I have cried. (Of course, probably I'm the only one who would think that anyway...)
I'm so conscious of what I should feel, what I might feel, what I am, or am not entitled to feel, that I can't actually figure out what I really do feel. When I burst into tears while I was driving home, was that just me driving myself to tears (so to speak) by feeling sorry for myself, or by imagining others giving me sympathy, or was that real? When I feel okay, is that just me distancing myself and not allowing myself to really feel what I do, or is that real?
These are rhetorical questions, BTW. I know, of course, that they are both real. But at the same time, I'm not quite sure of it.
I'm also conscious that after the last miscarriage I got quite depressed for a few weeks. It was my first brush with a form of depression that was more than just being sad, or feeling down in the dumps for a day. It seemed all out of proportion to what I'd experienced, but it nonetheless made it hard for me to get out of bed in the morning, much less do anything once I got up. When I realised it was probably largely hormonal it was like a light bulb going on. It didn't make it go away, but it helped enormously to understand it. To know that it was real, and not just something I was somehow making happen.
But, I am definitely worried about that happening again. Not to mention the nausea. Pregnancy nausea is bad enough. Un-pregnancy nausea is just unfair.
Anyway, I'm up and down and some of the time I don't even remember. Most of all I'd like to tuck myself under my covers and go to sleep, but now I need to go pick up my children, so further self-analysis will have to wait.
*'sanitary napkin' I think is the US term
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