This is one of those posts you write when you haven't been blogging much and you have too many different things to talk about to not use dot points.
- I have just committed to the couch to 5K program. Not much more to say about this right now as I have literally just started, or rather haven't started - I am going shopping today for my first ever proper pair of joggers, and also a sports bra, and then tonight I will begin with the first 30 minute training session. It's something I've been meaning to look at for months/years, but now I've found out that I supposedly just need to commit 30 minutes 3 times per week for 9 weeks... How hard can that be? Famous last words? We'll see...
- Eliane is still not using many words, but she has the cutest yes ever. I'll go to get her up in the morning and she'll be standing there in her cot making the sign for milk. So I'll say 'do you want some mummy milk?' and she'll say 'Yay! Yay, yay, yay'
She doesn't actually mean 'yay', she means yes, cause she'll use it in other situations too, even when she's half crying, but it is very cute even then. And when she says it happily, it sounds just like a celebration.
- I've finally decided to do something with my domain. It's been pointing to this blog (in all it's various incarnations) for many years, but I've never set it up properly. Well, in a few months we are going on an o/s trip. We've got a lot to organise before then, from house & pet sitters, to passports for the kids, to suitcases, but we have booked tickets. So I'm going to start a separate travel blog.
Why, you might wonder, would I make it a separate blog. Can't I just blog here? Full disclosure: I am going to put ads on this travel blog. You probably won't see them if you click over from here - I'll set them up so they only show up to search traffic. Y'see, if I can set it up so that I make a little bit of money from it - because I do already make some money from writing online content - I can claim my part of our trip expenses (and maybe for one of the kids too, if I'm writing about travel with kids, though I'd have to be more careful with that) as a business expense. Which could save us quite a bit of money.
So for this travel blog, I'm probably going to have a 'personal blog' category, and that's the only category that will show on the front page. But I will probably also write some posts specifically directed to search engine traffic ('Top 10 things to do in San Francisco with kids'). Those posts won't show up on the front page and won't be in the personal blog category, but they will show up in the archives.
I haven't actually set this up yet, obviously. At the moment still just points here. But soon, I expect, that link will go to 'narrating kayoz goes traveling (with 3 kids!)'.
So when are we going and where? Well, you'll have to read the travel blog to find that out I guess ;) but suffice to say for the moment, it is going to be for almost two months, and we have round-the-world tickets. Actually, that makes it sound more glamorous than it will really be. We have the minimum number of stops on the tickets (or perhaps, the maximum number for the minimum price), and we'll be spending most of the time in one country. Still, I have to say, I am feeling pretty excited about it.
-By the way, did I mention our new solar array? We're pretty pleased with it :)
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